In case you haven't noticed, we're in the midst of a gray hair revolution.
Silver strands of hair, creamy white tones and salt and pepper hair are unprecedented trends, with more and more women continuing to lovingly accept their natural hair.
Given that some women start to find gray hairs in their twenties (or in some cases even earlier), isn't it time we embraced what our genetics have given us?
There's something liberating – not to mention fashionable! – by simply letting it grow already.
The hair care industry is also entering a trend.
Hairstylists cut shorter styles to help embrace the growth phase, products that keep white shades looking fresh and sleek are popping up on shelves, and more experts are talking about proper maintenance of gray hair.
It's trendy
Once upon a time, only men were applauded for their dignified white hair.
But these days women are showing off their natural looks in new and empowering ways.
From TV shows and movies to haute couture runways to people we know and talk to in our daily lives, it's clear that more and more women are adopting their gray hair. In fact, the term "white hair" no longer conjures up an image of a grandmother; instead, we see younger models, strong professionals, and ordinary women proving just how beautiful gray hair can be – at any age.
It can save you money
We love a touch-up as good as the next person, and embracing your gray hair doesn't necessarily mean you'll never touch a paint bottle again. However, there is something to be said about the money you can save by skipping expensive treatments and other hair salon operations by releasing and accepting your gray hair. Plus, after all these years of touching your roots, wouldn't it be nice to just skip all this hustle and bustle? Although you'll likely miss your hairdresser, just think about all the time you'll save by not having to visit her every month for maintenance visits.
It's better for your hair
Money and time aside, don't dye your hair as often as you used to is undoubtedly good for your actual hair and scalp. Even though the formulas we have these days are friendlier to your hair, they still cause some breakage and damage every time you use them. Gray hairs are particularly prone to damage by these types of dyes, as gray hair follicles are devoid of melanin (the natural chemical that gives hair pigmentation in the first place).
In addition, the cuticle itself is thinner. Thinner cuticle means hair is less protected from water, UV rays, moisture, heat styling and – you guessed it! –Chemicals. So as you start noticing more grays, accepting them instead of hiding them will actually be healthier for your hair in the long run.
It is a natural anti-aging look
Your initial instinct may make you hide your gray hair because you feel like it makes you look old. This is not necessarily the case. Dark hair tends to accentuate facial features even more than lighter hair, so gray hair may actually soften your overall appearance. If you want to get the most out of your new, natural hair, consult your stylist to hydrate your grey tones and it will restore shine to your hair. It's flattering, and when combined with a softer figure that frames the face, it can also look completely youthful.
It's really liberating
Look, at the end of the day, women have to do what makes them look and feel good, and every woman is different. However, if you're tired of banishing gray hair and feel like you've spent too much time, money, and effort maintaining the same hair color in recent years, you're not alone. These days there are plenty of social media support groups for women who adopted their gray hair and haven't looked back since. Not only are these women freed from the pressures of continuing an impossible struggle, they are also taking a stand on the longstanding double standards between men and women as they age. If you're tired of all this too, then accepting and loving your gray hair will probably be really liberating for you too.